Photo of
Name: Eric J. Munson
Title: Dane O. Kildsig Chair in Industrial and Physical Pharmacy, Department Head
Office: RHPH 124D
Phone: 765-494-1450
Lab: RHPH 123
FAX: 765-494-6545
Address: Heine Pharmacy Building
575 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2091
Lab Members: Daniel F. DeNeve (Post Doc with Dr. Topp)
Nicholas J. (Nick) Huls (Post-Doctoral Research Associate with Dr. Eric Munson)
Rachana Sapkota (Graduate Student with Dr. Eric Munson)
Md Abdullah Shamim (Graduate Student with Dr. Eric Munson)
Cole Tower (Graduate Student with Dr. Eric Munson)
Ziqian Wei (Graduate Student with Dr. Eric Munson)
Jianchao Xu (Graduate Student with Dr. Eric Munson)
Tianyun (Ophelia) Zhang (Graduate Student w Dr. Eric Munson)